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Bill pay simplified

Eliminate all your bill pay hassles and get capital for bills
when you need it most

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Keep cash in hand longer

Pay with your credit card - even where it's not accepted - and defer payments to the end of your billing cycle, giving you more flexibility to invest in your business.

Pay a bill in less than a minute

Step 1

Upload or add invoices.

Step 2

Select payment terms.

Step 3

Send payment via ACH or check.

Bill capture eliminates data entry

Effortlessly import your invoices to Loot.

All your vendors in one place.

Add a vendor once and it's there forever.

Giving you payment options

Pay the way that's best for you - ACH bank transfers or credit card - and your vendors receive a check or bank transfer - whatever they're already used to.

Expedite payment when needed

Instant and same day deliverability available for the times you need it.

Pay over time

Pay business bills at the pace that works best for you—up to 12 weekly installments. Vendors get paid on time.

Fast payments

Expedite your payment by sending a fast ACH transfer or fast check and keep your vendor at ease.

Get your time back

Focus on your business and let us handle making payments feel easy.

Auto bill capture

Scan bills, import invoices from your Gmail account, or send invoices directly to your Bills tab at once to save time on manual work.

Pay on the go

Make, track, and approve payments directly from your phone in our mobile friendly websit.

Get early accessGet early accessGet early accessGet early access

Be among the first to experience seamless bill
payments for your business.